TS-0223-1X88 - BOV Kompact EM Dual Port VR5 - Instructions

TS-0223-1X88 - BOV Kompact EM Dual Port VR5 - Instructions

Product Name:

BOV Kompact EM Dual Port VR5

Product Description:

BOV Kompact EM Dual Port VR5

Product Number:


Document Version:

V1.00 Rev A

Important Notes on Your BOV

  1. Turbosmart accepts no responsibility whatsoever for incorrect installation of this product which is potentially hazardous and can cause serious engine damage or personal injury.
  2. The EM series BOV is designed for use as a factory replacement for a turbocharger that utilises an electronic diverter valve, this valve can be used on other applications if there is a control signal to actuate the BOV.
  3. Ensure the engine is cold prior to installation.
  4. For Standalone ECU configuration, ensure valve is not energised for indefinite periods of time as this can cause significant life detriment to the actuation solenoid.


  1. Turbosmart recommends that your Blow Off Valve (BOV) is fitted by an appropriately qualified technician

Kit Contents

Please check that the following items have been provided in your EM Series BOV packaging





Turbosmart EM Series BOV

Main unit


Turbosmart Sticker


Figure 1 - Kit Contents

Tools Required

5mm Hex Key
8mm Socket
Screw Drivers
Socket Set

About Your Kompact Series BOV

Turbosmart has developed a unique “plug and play” diverter valve (or bypass valve) upgrade for your vehicle that is currently equipped with an electronic diverter valve. While we have developed this unit to be as simple as possible for you to install, we have not compromised on performance. This unit will not leak under elevated boost pressures. It will still provide you with rapid response ensuring that all the OEM calibration strategies are not interfered with, providing you with maximum boost performance. In contrast, the advanced methods of the OEMs are retained.

As the factory engine control unit completely controls the valve, the diverter valve is almost silent; your EM series may be much more audible due to our construction. By being able to hear the unit actuate, the valve may occasionally open for a few seconds under the following events: traction control, cruise control management, rapid gear changes and varying throttle position changes. These are all coded as part of the torque management software in the OEM engine control unit. There is no adjustment available over these functions via our product. Hearing these events is not abnormal; it is entirely normal for the EM series BOV to be considered “very active” as it is protecting your turbocharger from surge events or bypassing air for torque management purposes.

Fitting Your EM Series BOV

1. Identify Diverter Valve Location

On the 13th Generation Ford F Series Truck (P552), the diverter valve is located on the intercooler on the twin-turbo model. This is located at the front of the car in the lower grill portion. It is accessible from the bottom of the car.
2. Removing the Under-tray

Remove the under-tray of the vehicle by removing all the plastic clips holding the tray in place. Once the under-tray is removed, the intercooler assembly can be accessed.

Undo the bolts securing the intercooler cross member to remove the intercooler from the vehicle. The Intercooler under-tray is held on with 2 x 15mm bolts.

3. Remove Intercooler to Throttle Body Piping
The intercooler piping is held on with a quick-release clip. Once removed, the clip must be moved out of the groove to release the intake pipe.
The 7mm hose clamp should also be removed to allow the elbow to be removed.

4. Remove Diverter Valve Plug
Removing the plug is done by simply pushing down, waiting for the click, and removing the plug by pulling backwards.

5. Remove OEM Diverter

The OEM diverter valve is easily removed with 2 x 8mm self-taping screws. Once removed, the valve can be easily lifted from its mount. It is important to observe which holes were used to mount the BOV and replicate that.

6. Fitting Your Turbosmart BOV

Once the OEM diverter valve has been removed from the intercooler, we can fit the Turbosmart Valve It is important to ensure that both O rings remain in place while fitting the BOV. It is also important to ensure that the solenoid is pointing towards the centre of the intercooler as indicated by the arrow.


It is advised to use the mounting screws and holes originally used to mount the OEM diverter.

Once fitted to the intercooler, the BOV can have the surrounding components.

7. Reassembling Removed Components

Plug in Connector ensuring that a positive and audible click is heard with the connector to ensure that it is locked in place.

Refit the intercooler to throttle body piping; we need to ensure that the quick-release clip is correctly seated and the 8mm hose clamp is correctly torqued. An audible click will be heard once the quick-release clip seats correctly.

Refit Under-tray with the 2 x 15mm bolts that were moved to gain access to the Diverter valve area originally.

The car can now be taken for a test drive, ensuring everything is done correctly.

8. Finalising Your Install
Checking for leaks, correct operation, and listening to compressor surges are important. This noise is the sound of the boost pressure air running back into the turbo, causing cavitation. 
Now the car can be taken for a test drive in a safe environment and listen for the correct operation, and no turbocharger surge occurs.

Changing the Electronic Actuator

1. Remove Your EM Series BOV
Remove the electronic plug from the EM series BOV and loosen the clamps on the inlet and recirculation hoses. Remove the BOV from the vehicle.
Cosmetic engine covers may be required to be removed before the assembly is visible.

The turbocharger assembly may require the vehicle to be raised on a hoist or jacked up and secured using vehicle jack stands. Ensure your safety is not compromised.
2. Remove Electronic Actuator From Your EM Series BOV
Using an 11mm open-end wrench in the flat sides of the solenoid, undo the actuator in an anti-clockwise direction when viewed from the end. Ensure the wrench is placed on the metallic portion of the flats and not on the plastic cover.

Ensure the cavity is free from debris, avoiding shifting dirt into the passages.

3. Install New Electronic Actuator Into Your EM Series BOV

Ensure the O-rings on your new actuator are correctly seated in the grooves before installation. Also, do not damage the O Rings on burrs/threads during assembly.


Failure to ensure O-rings are seated correctly may lead to the cutting of the O-Ring and unexpected results from the EM series BOV.
Slowly insert the new actuator while turning clockwise to avoid tearing the O-rings.

Tighten the new solenoid into the EM series BOV ensuring the wrench is on the metallic portion of the solenoid.

Tightening the solenoid on the plastic cover may result in unrepairable damage to the solenoid.


  1. Any issues must be resolved before heavy driving.
  2. BOV not actuating - Confirm the electrical signal plug is connected appropriately; as the plugs are new, some force may be required to click the plug into place. The car will experience a heavy surge if it does not actuate.
  3. Valve is staying open – Confirm the valve has O-rings, as they may have been dropped or lost during installation.
  4. Boost pressure loss or lower than before - Confirm the valve has O-rings, as they may have been dropped or lost during installation.
  5. Failing the above, submit a Technical Support Query Form with information about your engine, oil type and photos of the installation and one our expert technicians will respond as soon as possible.

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