Removing OEM Low-Pressure Charge Pipe
Removing the charge pipe requires two hose clamps. These are 8mm clamps. They are noted in Red. Removing the vacuum line from the vacuum pump can be removed if more space is required. It can be undone by pushing the white connector circled below.
Moving Coolant Reservoir Bolt
The coolant reservoir can be manipulated to allow more room for the Wastegate Actuator. The bottle can become brittle over time, so be careful in moving it. We need a 10mm socket to remove the screw that holds the reservoir.
Removing Diverter Valve from Compressor Cover
Removing the Divertor valve allows a hand to be placed underneath the bottom of the wastegate actuator. This makes it much easier to undo.
With the Low-Pressure Charge pipe moved out of the way, we need to remove the electrical connector and the 3 Allen bolts that hold the diverter valve. A 5mm Allen key is required to remove these bolts. The Connector needs the locating lug at the front to be lifted, as noted by the dashed line. It is very easy to drop these bolts. It is handy having a magnet to assist in taking them off.
Removing OEM Heat Shield
Although not pictured, the heat shield is held with 10mm bolts, as pictured below. The 02 Sensor will require removal if the heat shield cannot be moved far enough to allow access to the Vacuum Wastegate rod bolts near the bottom right arrow.
Removing your OEM Vacuum Actuator
With the heat shield removed, the actuator can be removed from the car; to do this, the bolts marked in black must be removed. The red bolt is best left in place. It is good practice to mark this with a marker and undo it one full turn. This will take any load off the back nut and allow it to come out as it no longer has a load. With one turn back in the rod, it can be used to set the VIWG to the correct pressure. As the Diverter Valve/BOV was removed before, we have a passage that allows hands to be placed under the actuator bolts as they are removed.
Fitting your Turbosmart Vacuum Actuator
With installation, we would like to match the rod length to the RED arrow as closely as possible. Once set, we need to place it into the car. The canister bolts will need to be set and tightened down. It is easy to drop the bolts, so ensure the passage from underneath is ready to catch and help install the bolts. We will leave the last rod bolt loose.
Setting your Turbosmart Vacuum Actuator
The vIWG requires the actuator to be set at a certain Vacuum pressure. This is defined by the spring. With the Mini, we need to set a vacuum at 6inHg (203mm bar) to seat the wastegate flap fully. Once the pressure is achieved, we need to move the nut up until it sits on the turbine housing. Unnecessary preload will limit rod stroke and hamper performance. It needs to be just enough to sit correctly.
Vacuum Plumbing
With the Valve in place, we can connect the actuator to the OEM Vacuum Signal. The hose is attached to a barb fitting to ensure a good seal.

NOTE: The bottom port must be left to vent to the atmosphere when used solely as a Vacuum actuator.
OPTIONAL Positive Pressure Assistance Plumbing
The vIWG can be used with Positive Pressure assistance. This is located by the black circle. We can use the positive pressure that the ECU controls to assist the vacuum system(Top Port) from not being overcome.
The grub screw must be used in this application to maintain pressure in the bottom port.
Fitting Removed Parts Required for vIWG Install